Meet Beed – The Nespresso Machine For Your Weed - International Highlife

Meet Beed – The Nespresso Machine For Your Weed

Meet Beed – the automated joint-rolling device that went on sale on May 1. This device is vying to become the Nespresso of weed, and if you ask us, there are a few factors that support that claim.

It has a modern monochrome appearance that comes in various attractive colors. It would look great on your kitchen counter next to your Cuisinart, and the pods it uses are remarkably similar to the half-domed capsules that go into a Nespresso Vertuo espresso maker.

However, Beed’s (recyclable) aluminum pods contain pre-packaged ground cannabis flower that has been nitrogen-flushed to remain fresh for 18 months rather than ground coffee.

A triple-digit price tag is another similarity to a high-end espresso machine. The Beed costs $299, which is not cheap for something that any self-respecting cannabis enthusiast ought to be able to accomplish fast and with ease.

If you’re looking for a cheaper option, check out the Otto grinder for $149 or the electric cone filler by Pulsar for $99.

Rolling A Joint or Filling Your Cone Was Never Easier

You can learn the Beed in no time.

A single button controls everything on the top of the device, and the used aluminum pods are stored in a hidden bottom-mounted slide-out drawer. Once you push the button, the top slides open to expose a small chamber where the supplies are placed: first the paper cone (tip side down), then the capsule (flat side up).

These instructions are on a seven-step quick-start guide, but you’d need to be pretty high to mess it up because it’s so obvious. Once the machine has finished operating, press the button a second time to slide the top closed. About 20 seconds later, an oblong panel on the front flips up at a 45-degree angle to expose a fully loaded cone that is prepared to twist closed and ignite.

Currently, the device is only available in Los Angeles, Inland Empire, Ventura County, Orange County, and the Bay Area. You can get yours here.

One response to “Meet Beed – The Nespresso Machine For Your Weed”

  1. James says:

    My question is where can I find the j cups for it if I were to purchase it in Pennsylvania

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