Mario Carts Review: Pesticides And Fake Cartridges - International Highlife

Mario Carts Review: Pesticides And Fake Cartridges

Mario Carts have been gaining a lot of attention recently. We tried their products and in this article, we will let you know what the hype is about.

Although Mario carts cartridges have a number of promising qualities, there are some worrying concerns about them. With the recent news that Mario cartridges were contaminated with pesticides, it’s no wonder that there have been some questions raised about fake Mario carts and whether the company can be trusted to produce reputable products.

There’s no doubt that their flavors are good but what else should you know about your next Mario carts vape? Let’s take a look and get some more information.

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Mario Carts THC Cartridges?

mario carts cartridge review

Let’s take a look at the three main strengths of this cartridge brand:

  1. The oil is good and strong.
  2. The cartridges are built well.
  3. The packaging is cool.

However, there are a few negative points too, which may outweigh the advantages.

  1. There is absolutely no information about the manufacturing company itself.
  2. There are a lot of fake Mario cartridges and there’s no clear way of determining which are fake and which are genuine.
  3. Recent lab tests have shown worrying results with regard to incorrect THC levels and pesticide contamination.

With these things in mind, let’s take a look at how well the cartridges themselves hold up to scrutiny when tested and reviewed.

Mario Carts THC Oil Flavor Review

We’ve reviewed the Nerds cartridge and the Ghost OG cartridge to see what they’re actually like and whether they can be recommended or not. The Nerds cartridge boasts a pleasantly fruity taste, but it’s pretty harsh. Whether that harshness is down to the strain itself or the Nerds flavoring is impossible to tell, but if you find yourself coughing after a few puffs it won’t matter either way. On the upside, the Nerds taste is very strong and if you’re a fan of fruity flavors you’re sure to enjoy it – not to mention the uplifting euphoria you’ll enjoy.

A serious negative is that this type of cartridge was found to be contaminated with pesticides. Of course, we don’t know if the one that was tested in the official lab test was a real cartridge or a fake, so who knows whether every cartridge is contaminated or not?

The Ghost OG cartridge produces an immediate effect which is strong without being too overpowering. It relaxes your body and settles your brain, restoring the balance between your mind and body – very pleasant indeed.

THC Oil Flavor Score: 4/5

Mario Carts Vaping Efficiency Review

The packaging that surrounds the Mario Cartridges is beautifully designed, but what’s actually going on inside that zip-lock bag? Are the cartridges durable and well-built?

Well, the answer is yes, they’re definitely strong. They’re equipped with classic 510 threads so they’ll fit onto most batteries. The top features a smooth hitting, while basic mouthpiece made from metal. You can also unscrew the mouthpiece so you can use the cartridge again. When you take off the metal cartridge stem, you’ll see the cartridge heating source with its small coil and rod. There isn’t any glue to be seen, so that’s good news. All the cartridge pieces fit tightly together creating a seal with no binding agents required.

As we’ve already pointed out, the Mario Carts THC cartridges are fairly basic in terms of design, but they’re pretty functional. The mouthpiece is made from metal, as is the base and inner receiver. The tube is made from glass. You’ll also find the 510 threads on the base’s bottom which you can screw onto your battery. They use the same vape cartridge as Exotic carts catridges. When you actually vape the cartridges, you can get some pretty big hits, although you’ll need a more extended intake if you want to produce big clouds. This could vary, of course, depending on the flavor of cartridge you’re using.

Vaping Score: 4/5

Mario Carts Pesticides Found In Lab Test

mario carts pesticides

Lab results expose Mario Carts for pesticides on Instagram page datdude41510

One thing that raised our concern is that the Mario Carts THC cartridges have wrong THC levels on their packaging. The brand claims that their cartridges have a THC content of around 83% – 87%. However, independent lab testing has shown those figures to be considerably lower in real life. In fact, the amount of THC in the Mario Carts Cartridge tested was only 69.35%.

Although the company makes claims to lab test their products, there aren’t any results available to view. Also, because there are fake cartridges on the market and no company details to be verified, it’s impossible to know the truth of the matter. A reliable company should be able to let their customers know precisely how much THC is in their products. That said, the level of THC which they claim is quite believable based on how potent the effects of the concentrates are.

Lab Results Score: 1/5

Mario Carts Strains

mario carts strains

This is another area of confusion and concern when it comes to the Mario Carts brand. If you take a look at the Strawberry Pie cartridges packaging you won’t find any mention of the Sativa strain being used. There’s also no further information on the Mario Carts Instagram page. There’s also no website to speak of so there’s no way to find out the facts. With some of the other Mario Carts cartridges, however, specific strains are named. Ghost OG is just one example.

It’s worth noting that the Ghost OG cartridge doesn’t have the strong citrusy flavor of the genuine Ghost OG strain, however that may not be such an issue since these cartridges do pack plenty of delightful aroma and taste. In fact, the reduced citrus taste serves to enhance the earthy and pine flavors for a more enjoyable taste.

How Much Are Mario Carts Wax Cartridges?

The price of Mario Carts THC cartridges is pretty affordable. In fact, it’s possible to buy them for just $40 per gram. Some people claim to pay even less. However, while they’re surprisingly cheap, this could point to an issue over value. Does the lower price of the product mean that it can offer users a higher value even if there aren’t any test results to speak of? What should we make of the lack of any company information should they need to be contacted in the event of a problem? If the cartridges do actually contain pesticides the chance of finding anybody to make responsible for it is pretty slim.

Another factor affected the value of this product is the fact that you’ve got no guarantees that what you’re vaping is the same strength as suggested on the label. You can’t even be sure about the strain they extracted.

With all of this taken into account, it’s hard to assess whether Mario Cartridges offer true value. Without significant and ongoing testing, it’s impossible to know for sure whether the official lab tests were a one-off or a fake, or whether it’s a widespread problem.

Price score: 3/5

Fake Mario Carts

Its possible to buy empty Mario carts packaging and cartridges from a vast amount of sellers who reside in China. This counterfeit problem exists with other popular prefilled carts too. One way to distinguish real from fake is by the color of the cannabis oil. If its dark beware it can be a lower quality THC oil. Check out the images of the color of the cannabis oil, it should be nice and clear.

So, Can Mario Carts Be Trusted?

This is the million dollar question. No matter how good a product tastes or how potent its effect may be, if you can’t rely on the manufacturer to take the appropriate safety measures during production and if you can’t be confident that you know exactly what’s gone into the cartridges, it’s just not worth using them.

Although the packages points out that the products have been lab tested, the fact that a range of results is given suggests that this may not be true.

A company with official lab testing will have accurate and precise figures as to the amount of THC in their products.

Let’s add that to the fact that there isn’t an official website or any company details to be found online – that doesn’t look too promising in terms of reputability. Then, of course, we come to the fact that Nintendo is unlikely to permit another firm to utilize its own idea, especially a company which sells cannabis products.

Overall Mario Carts Review Score: 3/5

When we weigh it all up, it doesn’t sound good in terms of reliability and trustworthiness. However, when we tested the cartridges and found that the product itself, the experience they offered and the price paid were all pretty good. However, without official and reliable lab results, can you really take the risk?

To be honest, we can’t recommend anyone buying it at the moment. Main reasons are that we can’t prove that the company is legitimate and that there aren’t any contaminants in the cartridges.

Since there are many clean and lab-tested alternatives available, it’s not worth taking any chances. We suggest taking a look at our list of the top 10 best vape cartridges for 2018. Leave your own Mario carts review below in the comments!

9 responses to “Mario Carts Review: Pesticides And Fake Cartridges”

  1. Claire Kelly says:

    I tried one and knew right away something wasn’t right. Not only am I used to super clean product, I also eat organic so ewwwww

  2. Shane says:

    Mariocarts are good. Sorry if folks get fake ones but the real ones a legit.

  3. KennyH says:

    No such thing as a real Mario cart. They’re all counterfeit poop soup loaded with pesticides. Are you guys amateurs? Pre-printed THC% on the package, resealable foil pouches, and the obvious copyright infringement are dead giveaways. Lab tests also proved they only have about 40% THC content. This review is full of dangerously misleading information and Mario carts should be avoided at all costs. Don’t be stupid. Stay away from toxic carts.

    • Drew Gekyume says:

      I beg a differ, there are real ones that are stamped and engraved. If you look up mario carts, they sell the packaging but none of them include the stamp or engraving. Indicating that they aren’t real. Do research before speaking out and scaring people.

  4. Carl says:

    Got me high as hell for a few days better than a lot of others I have had. Maybe it was the pesticides lol damn

  5. Manny says:

    So you can use them on any battery vape mod?

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