The Health Benefits of CBD Oil - International Highlife

The Health Benefits of CBD Oil

There is a growing body of evidence supporting cannabidiol (CBD) as a powerful alternative medicine for total health and wellness. The preliminary research, while notably in the early stages of development, is compelling, to say the least. Based on these early trials and laboratory studies, CBD oil tincture has repeatedly proven itself safe to use, even in higher doses. It well tolerated across a wide spectrum of society, young and old alike. There is no doubt that CBD an increasingly popular alternative to conventional pharmaceuticals. Here is just a sampling of the current research into CBD’s known medicinal values.

  1. Anti Inflammatory: There is a significant body of research supporting CBD as a novel new approach to treating inflammation. Today there have been studies linking CBD with reduced neuroinflammation, gastrointestinal inflammation, as well as inflammation related to illnesses like Multiple Sclerosis. Even as a topical treatment, CBD seems capable of reducing overall inflammation.
  2. Anti-Tumor: One of the most exciting pieces of early research is into CBD as an anticancer agent. It seems to operate through a number of mechanisms against cancer cells, as well as against many different types of cancers, all while protecting healthy cells. In some laboratory explorations CBD triggered cancer cell death, it prevented metastasis, and in other studies, it slowed or halted tumor growth. There is much more to uncover about how CBD targets cancer so effectively, and how this property can be adapted for modern medicine.
  3. Anti-Anxiety: Perhaps the most common uses for CBD oil tincture is for panic and anxiety disorders. According to a recent industry survey is the number one reason why people take CBD today. In some preliminary human trials, as well as through the mountain of anecdotal evidence, CBD seems capable of reducing general anxiety on a daily basis. It is reported to reduce blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature while at the same time promoting a mental state of calm.
  4. Pain: According to a recent comprehensive review of the literature by the National Academies Press, the authors concluded that there is substantial evidence showing cannabis as an effective treatment for pain. Especially when used in conjunction with THC, CBD plays a valuable role in chronic pain management, perhaps related to its anti-inflammatory properties.
  5. Addiction:
    Ongoing studies are investigating CBD as a useful compound for addiction, including opioid, nicotine, and psychostimulants. In part, CBD is proving interesting because it seems to interrupt the reward-facilitating effects of addictive substances. Interestingly, even for cannabis addiction, CBD could prove valuable.

Despite the newness of the CBD research, it hasn’t stopped consumers from self-prescribing CBD oil for their own health issues. Thankfully, there have yet to be any indications that CBD has any short term or long term side effects to be concerned about. As more research gets underway, there will very likely be even further convincing information as to the power of this all-natural cannabinoid compound.

If you are looking to buy certified pure cbd oil tinctures we propose you to take a look at the ones sold by Everyday Optimal CBD. They sell some of the strongest and most potent CBD oil tinctures on the market. Their cbd oil tinctures contain legal industrial hemp and are absolutely THC free making them accessible in every state without a prescription. Their hemp cbd products are free and clear of heavy metals, pesticides and contaminants of any kind.

5 responses to “The Health Benefits of CBD Oil”

  1. Jen says:

    Such a great little plant!

  2. Anderson Souza Cavalcante da costa says:

    Meu tio tem problema de esclerose múltipla, como consigo para dar a ele ?

  3. Sharon Wiltshire says:

    Can cbd be used for my 14yr old with adhd

  4. Thanks for explaining how CBD oil can help free your mind from intrusive thoughts that cause anxiety and depression. My brother talked about how he’s struggling to focus at work recently because of problems that he couldn’t disclose. I think he should consider trying this out by visiting a CBD shop around his area.

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