Man Finds Mouse Passed Out After Chewing Cannabis Leaves - International Highlife

Man Finds Mouse Passed Out After Chewing Cannabis Leaves

A very particular post started circulating the web having animal lovers and cannabis enthusiasts laughing around the world. Colin Sullivan noticed something strange was going on while growing one of his favourite cannabis plants.

One day when tending to his beloved lady’s. He found some of his healthy cannabis fan leafs where detached and scattered around the yard. Apparently a mouse that was living close-by found out he likes cannabis as much as Colin does and was collecting a nice bunch of leafs for a healthy snack.

Photo: Colin Sullivan

Colin found the little fella on his back a little later. Between the stolen leafs not far from the cannabis plant itself. The next day the mouse was alive and kicking again. Now looking for more leafs to again like yesterday pass out before he could finish his freshly snatched leafs.

The reason for the mouses appetite for the cannabis might be PTSD Colin jokes. He is missing an ear and might be attacked, some people comment. His post ends with the promise to let the little mouse sleep it off before having a good word with him tomorrow confronting him with his cannabis ‘abuse’. Collin’s post on Facebook about this cannabis mouse is going around the word at a crazy pase since he posted it 1 September and accumulated thousands of likes. Thanks for sharing Colin!

Photos: Colin Sullivan

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One response to “Man Finds Mouse Passed Out After Chewing Cannabis Leaves”

  1. Dee D says:

    The mouse is dead and has been posed !

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