THC Water: Weed on the Rocks - International Highlife

THC Water: Weed on the Rocks

In an era of declining cannabis prohibition, cannabis consumption is evolving. Recent surveys have shown an increasing number of women and seniors are using marijuana-infused products regularly. With an increased demand, and an entirely new demographic, the marijuana industry has responded by expanding the possibilities of discretionary cannabis use. One segment of this rapidly changing market is cannabis-infused water.

Beverage companies are using advanced technology called “Nano-Encapsulation” – a process which uses nanotechnology to shrink the cannabinoid to 1 millionth their original size, then engulf them within clusters of water. The ingestion time is much faster with liquids than regular edibles and most will start to feel the effects within 10-15 minutes.

THC Water– Shaken, Not Stirred

While many refer to weed as “the new wine,” MountJoy Sparkling, a sparkling water company out of Sonoma County, California couldn’t agree more. Their THC-infused sparkling beverages contain 12mg of THC, which is said to produce about the same effect as drinking one beer. Alex Mountjoy, the company’s founder, stated in an interview for Jane Street,

“It’s a product that is a companion to your life to help you get through the day just as coffee or tea. The effects are felt within 15 minutes and leave a gentle positive [buzz] that lasts three to four hours. The beverage is also scalable, by which we mean that the effect of a bottle is about the effect of a beer, so one won’t be too much and if you want another you have the control to do so.”

Ideal for those who prefer not to smoke, such as lung and asthma patients, or those who prefer a more discreet method, such as parents. THC-infused waters are also a great zero-calorie method of cannabis consumption in world filled with delicious infused high-calorie, high sugar treats.

Revitalizing CBD Water

For those not interested in the intoxicating effects of THC-infused water, or who live outside a legal marijuana state, CBD water may be the better option. Containing no THC, CBD waters do not produce any type of psychoactive effect and they are legally shipped to all 50 states. In fact, many health foods stores carry CBD water.

One company, CBD Living Water claims nanotechnology allows the CBD particles to better penetrate the cells, past the blood-brain barrier, which ultimately increases the bioavailability of the CBD molecules. In layman’s terms, it can increase the effects of the CBD by up to 10 percent, making CBD water one of the most efficient ways to introduce the cannabinoid into the body.

With 40mg of CBD per bottle, benefits range from anti-inflammation, pain reduction, help with sleep, and post-workout, and even hangover, recovery. Testimonials on their website share a medley of success stories posted by parents, caregivers, and consumers themselves.

Whether you’re a patient looking for an alternate method of medicating with a fast onset, an athlete looking for help with recovery, or a frazzled parent looking to relax at the end of the long day, THC and CBD waters may be just the product you need.

4 responses to “THC Water: Weed on the Rocks”

  1. Patty Yaeger says:

    Omg what a great idea. Why didnt i think of this?

  2. Floyd says:

    How can i get some if this water i live in tx

  3. Yong Christello says:

    Hi,Is it possible to give the measurement of all veggies in cup sizes as carrots, bell peppers etc differ in size massively and as someone who has never tasted Pav bhaji, I would like to make one that’s close to the authentic taste.Thank you.Thara

  4. Siobhan Mckinnon says:

    How do i order

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