Stoned Dog Video: Be Careful With THC And Pets – It Isn’t Funny Or Harmless - International Highlife

Stoned Dog Video: Be Careful With THC And Pets – It Isn’t Funny Or Harmless

You might have already seen the stoned dog video going viral a couple of months ago — the 63-second video of a Siberian Husky awkwardly losing control of its own body, his absent-minded tongue woefully askew (until his owner physically places it back in his mouth), his hind legs uncontrollably jolting, his eyes seemingly absent from his surroundings, his front legs stiff as if rigor mortis had set in, his neck unable to support the weight of his own head, which rolls further and further back until his owner catches it.

If you’ve not seen it, it’s embedded below. The video is difficult to watch, especially for animal lovers.

This is what the owner had to say about the situation:

“After having friends over my roommate and I were watching tv when we noticed Loki, my roommate’s dog starts flipping out in his corner. He couldn’t control his muscles so he would twitch. This guy loves to get into things. After investigating we established that he had gone into one of our friend’s bag and ate his rice Krispie treat filled with marijuana. After contacting our veterinarian friends we knew it was just a waiting game. We kept a careful watch on him for the next 20 hours. The next morning he was still high and able to walk, by that evening he was back to normal running around. And today he is back to getting into things again, guess he didn’t learn his lesson. I posted this video for entertainment purposes and with the rise of marijuana legalization to be able to use mostly for educational purposes.”


Many professionals are open to the possibility of pot-for-pets; Some are already experimenting with doggy dank in the form of non-psychoactive cannabinoid CBD and low doses of mind-altering compound THC. A ratio that we’ve seen before is 20/1 (CBD/THC). There are many CBD products for pets available on the market. You can get more information about CBD for dogs here.

When done responsibly, this kind of medicating can be valuable and often beneficial for the animals and for known veterinary science.

But intentionally getting your pet stoned — or exploiting your animal that accidentally got into your stash by posting a video for “entertainment purposes” — runs the range of animal abuse.

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