Sean Paul: Dispensaries Are A Good Thing But Their Weed Tastes Like Cardboard - International Highlife

Sean Paul: Dispensaries Are A Good Thing But Their Weed Tastes Like Cardboard

Dancehall ambassador Sean Paul is known for his global hits and energetic performances. A lifelong advocate for cannabis, Paul recently shared his perspectives on the cannabis industry, legalization, and the future of edibles.

Sean Paul’s Cannabis Advocacy and Global Legalization

Being grounded in Jamaica for over 18 months didn’t deter Sean Paul’s advocacy for cannabis. A significant portion of his music references and celebrates the herb, often reflecting on the impact of criminalization on individuals like his father.

As cannabis legalization progresses worldwide, Paul points to the lingering effects of past criminalization in Jamaica. Despite decriminalization in his homeland, he notes the still prevalent issue of people incarcerated for minor cannabis possession.

Cannabis Legalization: The Irony of Role Reversal

Paul critiques the turnaround of individuals previously against cannabis, now advocating for its benefits, particularly politicians, lawyers, and doctors. He argues that these figures, backed by big business money, often push out the traditional farmers who cultivated high-quality cannabis.

Dispensaries: A Double-edged Sword According to Sean Paul

Paul, a cannabis enthusiast, has expressed disappointment in the quality of cannabis offered by dispensaries despite acknowledging their benefits. He claims that most of their weed tastes like cardboard.

Sean Paul’s Venture into Legal Cannabis and Healthy Edibles

Sean Paul is eager to make a difference in the cannabis market. Identifying a gap in the edibles sector, he’s set out to develop healthier alternatives to the current sugar-laden products. Paul is concerned about the high sugar content in edibles, which can be harmful to people with diabetes. He is developing healthier edibles and his own strain of cannabis for a better smoking experience.

In summary, while Sean Paul applauds the progress in global cannabis legalization, he believes there is room for improvement, particularly in quality control at dispensaries and the development of healthier edible options. His ventures in the legal cannabis business aim to address these issues, striving for a more inclusive and quality-focused market.

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