Healthiest Way to Wake & Bake - International Highlife

Healthiest Way to Wake & Bake

Not all cannabis consumers fit the stereotypical image of a “stoner”. Today cannabis is used by all types of people from different backgrounds. One of the common side effects of getting high is a major increase in hunger levels. If you haven’t preplanned your snacks beforehand, the chances are you’ll get cravings for some pretty unhealthy stuff. So, what can marijuana users who cherish a healthier way of living do to prevent the negative impacts of a smoke session?

When you’re trying to eat healthy, the first thing you need to do is avoid all that junk food. Cut out the processed late night burgers, tacos, potato chips and chocolate bars.

For those looking to combine their stoner session with more wholesome food choices, here’s our list of the top ten treats you should keep close to hand.

Almonds and Other Nuts

There’s no doubt that stoners have a heightened sense of taste to eat healthy products that have plenty of flavors. Nuts may not seem like the most enticing snack but you can combine them with a range of different herbs and spices to give them a tasty kick.

Roast your almonds with some salt and rosemary, for example, and you have a sumptuous snack that is full of natural goodness. Almonds have healthy fats, vitamins, protein and are good at keeping your blood sugar level down. Rosemary is great if you want to stay calm.

Roasted Chickpeas

If you have a nut allergy but still want a simple snack you can dig your hand into, an excellent stoner food alternative is the chickpea. Buy a couple of cans, drain them out, rinse then roast on a baking tray with some olive oil and salt.

You can, of course, try many different recipes, both sweet and savory. For example, lemon and pepper work pretty well. Or you could go for nutmeg, honey or merely a little brown sugar. Chickpeas are good because they contain high levels of protein, vitamins and minerals.

Dark Chocolate

We’re not talking about Hershey bars or Snickers here. This is about proper chocolate, the stuff that’s around 70% cocoa. It’s not to everyone’s taste, of course, but it does come with some great health benefits. For a start, it’s a significant source of antioxidants and there’s some evidence that it improves brain function too.


If you’re enjoying a smoke and feel the munchies coming on, one of the best snack foods is guacamole. While you can buy prepared jars in stores, making your own at home is a lot healthier. Avocado contains a whole host of heart-friendly nutrients and you get more potassium than in bananas.

To be extra healthy, swap the tortilla chips for pitta bread, toasted in the oven, and you have the perfect wholesome stoner snack.

Kale Chips

Nothing works better than digging into a bag of chips but you can even make these a lot healthier if you do a little preplanning. Kale can, let’s be honest, look pretty uninspiring. Sprinkle it in salt and drizzle with olive oil and baking for 15 minutes transforms it into a moreish snack for that relaxing evening smoke.

To add a little variation, you can combine your kale with garlic, chili or onion powder. Kale contains vitamins A, C and K and brain enhancing folate as well.


For those happy stoners who don’t want to bother cooking but still want to be healthy, swapping pre-processed snacks with fresh produce is a good solution. Blueberries, in particular, are high in nutrients including vitamin C that protects against cell damage. There’s also some evidence that blueberries can improve circulation and boost collagen levels.

Invest in a Dry Herb Vaporizer

Its simple, smoking is an unhealthy method of consuming your favorite herb. Combustion results in the inhalation of damaging toxins that are in no way healthy for our lungs. Dry herb vaporizers are a great healthy alternative for lovers of marijuana. A dry herb vaporizer eliminates the need for combustion thus, becoming a healthier option.


There you have it, a simple and easy way of improving your general health without having to sacrifice your smoke session.

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