Dogs Are Being Exposed To Weed Through Human Poop - International Highlife

Dogs Are Being Exposed To Weed Through Human Poop

According to a recent study, dog owners need to be aware of a concerning issue affecting some canines: dogs are getting intoxicated by consuming the feces of individuals who have consumed cannabis. While this might seem amusing or bizarre, it can be traumatic for the dogs involved. Let’s explore the details of the study and understand why dog owners should be cautious about their pets’ eating habits.

The Natural Scavengers: Dogs and Poop

Dogs are natural scavengers, and although it might be unpleasant, the instinct to eat poop is a fact of life for many canines. They are often characterized as “combination dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, and competitive eaters,” making them susceptible to eating almost anything they find, including human waste.

The Study’s Findings

The Australian Veterinary Journal conducted a study that revealed several cases of dogs in Melbourne getting stoned after developing a taste for human poop. These dogs accidentally ingested cannabis that passed through the digestive system of humans and ended up in their waste.

Potential Risks for Dogs

While some dogs might ingest cannabis directly by accessing edibles, the dogs in the study faced a different, unsuspected source of marijuana toxicosis—ingesting THC through human feces. The symptoms of marijuana toxicosis in dogs include ataxia (unsteadiness), mydriasis (dilated pupils), hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity), urinary incontinence, and stupor (falling asleep). For dog owners, recognizing these symptoms promptly is crucial to ensure timely medical attention if necessary.

Impact on Dogs and the Importance of Vigilance

While the idea of a dog getting stoned from eating poop might evoke a chuckle, it’s essential to understand that it can be pretty traumatic for the animals involved, at least for a few hours. The dogs in the study ingested the cannabis-laced feces while out in places like parks or walking trails, demonstrating the need for dog owners to be vigilant over their pets’ eating habits, even if they don’t use cannabis themselves.

The study serves as a warning to all dog owners about the potential risks their pets face if they consume human feces containing THC. Proper vigilance and attention to their pets’ behavior can prevent such incidents and ensure the well-being of our canine companions. If you suspect that your dog has ingested cannabis or is showing symptoms of marijuana toxicosis, seeking immediate veterinary care is recommended.

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