Sure Jell / Certo Drug Test Detox – Does It Really Work? - International Highlife
Certo Jell Detox

Sure Jell / Certo Drug Test Detox – Does It Really Work?

A new solution for beating any upcoming THC drug tests is making the rounds on Reddit and Youtube and other weed-loving communities. It’s a do-it-yourself detox using a kitchen ingredient you might have on your pantry shelf already. A Certo Detox, also called a Sure Jell Detox is perhaps not the most obvious way to pass a drug test, but it’s worth exploring. It’s cheap, readily available, and won’t trigger any employer suspicions.

Certo (or Sure Jell) is a relatively common commercial ingredient. Whether its as effective as other THC-detox kits is still up for debate, but at the very least it’s probably a lot healthier. You may be surprised to find out that many detox drinks don’t go through rigorous consumer testing because they aren’t technically regulated.

The powers that govern food safety long ago certified Certo and Sure Jell as fit for human consumption. It’s so prevalent and so safe, you’ve likely spread it on your toast at some point in your life in the form of jam or jelly.

Both Certo and Sure Jell are now popular ingredients for making sweet preserves, but also increasingly popular for passing drug tests. Do they work? Some cannabis lovers believe so, and they have the results to prove it. Others report positive results, even after following the Sure Jell Drug test step by step instructions.

Here are a few relative tidbits you’ll want to know before deciding on Certo, above other THC-detox options.

What Is Sure Jell?

Sure Jell is a brand of fruit pectin produced by the international company Kraft-Heinz. Sure Jell comes in both powdered and liquid formats and has a long history of use in kitchens around the world. You’ll also have to decide between a sugar-free and regular sugar formula. It is used primarily for making jellies, jams, and other jellied fruity preserves. It’s such a common ingredient that you’ve likely consumed it in a sweet jammy spread long before you Googled how to use it to pass a drug test.

While you don’t technically need additional fruit pectin to produce a jammy fruit spread, it does speed up the process. Your grandmother probably stewed the fruit until long past peak flavor to get it to the right consistency – but today home-cooks are adding Sure Jell to speed up the process.

What Is Certo?

Certo Sure Jell Detox

Another product developed by Kraft, Certo serves the same purpose as Sure Jell. So similar in fact, you may notice many packages share the same stock image on the box – a slice of toast with a spread of strawberry jam. What is the difference between Sure Jell and Certo? The truth of the matter is there is no difference at all. Certo comes in liquid and crystal formats, and again there is the no-sugar option as well.

Because both products contain the same three ingredients (sugar, fumaric acid, and pectin), either should work for the Certo detox method. Whether you see Sure Jell or Certo at Walmart – grab whatever is cheapest, both will do the trick.

How does Sure Jell (or Certo) Work?

It’s best to put this as honestly as possible – neither the Sure Jell or Certo detox methods are scientifically proven. Then again, detox drinks are also not scientifically tested. There are so many influencing factors over how much THC appears in your urine analysis, and little regulatory oversight of the industry, it’s impossible to make any conclusions about their effectiveness.

Hard data on whether or not fruit pectin can improve your chances of passing a drug test isn’t available, and likely won’t be available anytime soon. The US government isn’t about the start testing the theory. You’ll have to do some test at home to figure it out.

Nevertheless, despite the debate, enough people are claiming Certo successfully helped them pass their drug test for THC; it’s worth exploring as an option, especially if you don’t have access to THC-detox kits. Certo is readily available – both online and at big-box stores like Walmart.

The Fundamentals of THC in the Human Body

THC in the Human Body

First, it helps to understand what happens when you consume cannabis. It doesn’t matter if you smoke it, eat it, or vape it – the THC compound travels into the bloodstream and eventually passes through the liver. The liver is the organ responsible for detoxifying the blood and is also the organ in charge of converting valuable compounds into biologically available ones. The liver turns vitamins, minerals, and THC into various useful metabolites.

One of the primary THC metabolites is THC-COOH. Technically a urine analysis tests for THC-COOH, not THC. On average, most people test positive for THC immediately after consumption by way of an oral swab. A urine, blood, or hair drug test may show evidence of THC-COOH up to a month after use. It highly depends on how much you smoke, how potent the product is, and your overall health. THC-COOH sticks around in fat cells, long after consumption. Slowly, your body discharges THC-COOH through urine, sweat, and feces.

How Does Certo or Sure Jell Help Detoxify your Body?

Certo (or Sure Jell) might help reduce the chances of a positive drug test thanks to the product’s fiber content. Fruit pectin is just a fancy way of talking about fiber. Fiber is useful for making jams because it helps the fruit thicken and bind together.

Pectin is a highly concentrated dose of fiber, and fiber is essential for better, healthier bowel movements. It’s one of the reasons why your mother always told you to eat your fruits and vegetables. Fiber binds to the digestive juices you have working through your digestive tract and helps to move it through the system as smoothly as possible.

People hypothesis that Certo is useful for drug detoxing THC-COOH because this is a fat-soluble compound. The digestive juices your body produces (the bile) in your stomach and intestines break apart fat to improve its digestibility. Pectin comes into play by binding to the bile-fat mixture for smoother and speedier excretion.

If you’ve already done a bit of research on Sure Jell for drug tests, you may have read that it coats your stomach in a protective lining. This is not how pectin works. Pectin doesn’t turn into a thick jelly when you consume it. All fruits and some vegetables contain pectin.

If this theory was right – think about how much pectin would be coating your intestines already. The rumor about pectin’s protective gel-like lining is false. The truth is, Sure Jell helps improve bowel movements, and removes more THC through your feces. It’s not pretty, but it’s true.

How Can These Two Methods Help You Pass A Drug Test

Pass Your Drug Test

Let’s be clear. We can’t claim Certo (or Sure Jell) works 100 percent of the time for 100 percent of people. From most testimonials, it seems to work in conjunction with more traditional detox methods – also known as water.

Water is the best detox there is but doesn’t always work as quickly as your drug test timeline requires. Then again, Certo also isn’t going to work if you have under 12 hours to prepare. The Sure Jell detox works best if you start a few days beforehand.

If you are still into the idea of Certo detox, here is the best approach. Keep in mind that Sure Jell and Certo are technically the same product, you can use either version in this drug-detox step-by-step tutorial.

The Best Approach to Certo Detox

What you’ll need for your Certo/Sure Jell THC-Detox attempt:

  • 1 bottle Gatorade (or other sports drink)
    1 packet Sure Jell or Certo
    1 gallon of water
    Optional – Vitamin B2 tablet

Step by Step Instructions:

  • Step 1

As soon as you find out about an upcoming urine test, start upping your water intake. At the very least you’ll want to drink the recommended daily intake for water. For men, this is 3.7 liters, and for women, this is 2.7 liters. Don’t overdo it. Keep it under 0.8 to 1.0 liters per hour to avoid water intoxication (a real, and dangerous sickness).

You should also stop consuming any THC-containing products. That means edibles, concentrates, and flower. Even if your upcoming drug test is a week away, it’s crucial to postpone any smoke session until you’ve passed your urine test.

  • Step 2

About three hours before your drug test, combine the packet of fruit pectin into your sports drink of choice. Shake vigorously until dissolved. You may find the drink starts to thicken into a loose gel. This is fine, although it makes for an interesting Gatorade. Drink the entire bottle.

  • Step 3

Continue drinking water until it’s time to test. Most testimonials suggest its best to urinate at least two to three times before the actual test. This helps eliminate the urine accumulated before the Certo entered your system.

  • Step 4 (Optional)

Because you’ve been drinking so much water over the last few days, you’ll notice your urine is very clear. The more water you drink, the cleaner the urine. However, this may cause some suspicions from your employer or the testing agency. You may want to pop a vitamin B2 supplement about an hour before your test to improve the color of your urine and reduce suspicions.

Alternatives to Sure Jell or Certo Drug Detox

People’s opinion on the efficacy of a Sure Jell detox is mixed. Because there is no guaranteed way for a chronic to test positive on their upcoming drug test, you may want a few other options in your tool kit. The best way is to cleanse using water and abstinence. Clean living and pausing on the THC intake improves your body’s natural ability to detox — fewer toxins in, fewer toxins to eliminate or hide.

You also have the detox drink option. There are dozens of brands and even more opinions on the matter. Some require a week of detox, and others only need 24 hours. All kits contain an elixir of some sort (a drink, herbal tea, or tablets). They always require you to consume water before and after.

Some drug detox kits do demonstrate pretty high returns, but again they are not guaranteed. They are also not regulated for safety. Some people report stomach pains and nausea after consumption.

If you’ve got the time, stick with the natural detox options. Stay hydrated, eat clean, and get daily exercise. Avoiding fatty foods may also help. The best way to test negative on your next drug test is by abstinence. Put that THC-gummy aside, and put down the blunt. Wait until after your drug test to lower the risk of losing your job, or breaking the rules of your probation.

Where to Find Certo or Sure Jell for Detoxing

While the results are still questionable, part of the appeal of these fruit pectin solutions is their availability. You can find Sure Jell and Certo everywhere, from the grocery store to Amazon.

While Amazon might have the best prices, Certo from Walmart is likely the fastest solution. If you know you will face drug testing at your place of employment or it’s a part of your probation agreement, order Certo from Amazon to always have on hand. For a surprise drug test, head straight to Walmart for your Sure Jell solution. Wherever you find them, both brands are cheap, around $5.00.

Final Thoughts on Certo for Drug Detox

If you shell out your hard earned dollars on an official THC-detox kit, there is no promise it will work. The same goes for the cheaper Certo alternative. Cannabinoids in cannabis don’t move through the human body like the compounds of so many other testable substances. Cocaine is generally only testable up to 4 days after use, while cannabis can stay around for other a month.

Your body carefully takes the time to metabolize THC and other cannabinoids. It tucks them into fat cells for use later. It’s part of the reason why the therapeutic benefits of cannabis last longer than the high. But, this process also makes it extremely complicated to predict how long you’ll test positive after consumption. Here are a few examples of what might influence your positive drug test:

  • Body Fat: The more excess body fat you have, the more places your body can hide THC-COOH. There is a higher chance you may test positive if you are overweight.
  • Health Lifestyle: If you eat healthily and exercise regularly, your body is already working hard to eliminate toxins and dissolve fat cells. Better bowel movements mean faster excretion of THC-COOH
  • Potency of Product: The higher the THC in the product you use, the more THC is floating around your system.
  • Frequency of Use: The more frequently you consume THC, the more THC lingers in your body. If you are a daily chronic smoker, this may mean weeks of positive test results.

When in a panic, Certo is at least worth a shot. It’s cheaper and healthier than the alternative THC-detox kits. If the testimonials are genuine, it has delivered negative results for many people. If you suspect you have an upcoming test and refuse to stop smoking, keep a pack of Certo on hand and a few at-home-testing kits.

Having these items handy takes the stress off the last minute scramble that always comes as you try to buy them locally. It also reduces the guesswork. You’ll know well ahead of time if you are still testing positive.

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