April 20 Becomes Paid Holiday For Employees At This Cannabis Company - International Highlife

April 20 Becomes Paid Holiday For Employees At This Cannabis Company

Sian Leininger, director of retail and customer engagement at Temescal Wellness, claims that the approach respects the workforce and the cannabis culture. Leininger stated in a news release that “4/20 is a day to offer appreciation, love, and respect for cannabis and its power to help amplify the health and happiness that individuals feel in their daily lives.”

“For us, it’s a day to celebrate our employees, whose passion, knowledge and true dedication inspires their unparalleled service to our customers and our community all of the other days of the year.”

Employees in retail, manufacturing, and corporate offices are all eligible for the paid holiday. Leininger noted that staff welfare is more essential than closing on one of the busiest days of the year.

“One of our core company values is wellness—and that means the wellness of our customers, our community, and our entire team,” said Leininger. “While 4/20 is one of our most profitable days, we hope making it a paid holiday off for our team elevates it as a day for everyone to celebrate cannabis and the community around it.”

Over the past few years, as the legalization of marijuana for medical and recreational purposes has spread across the nation, April 20 has transformed from a clandestine, “unofficial” event to an actual holiday. The beginning of 420 is now a myth, much like the beginning of many other holidays, including Christmas or St. Patrick’s Day. There are many different stories about how it started and who was involved, but most people think that students from San Rafael High School in San Rafael, California—known as the “420 Waldos”—coined the phrase to coordinate a meet-up time to smoke marijuana at the school’s Louis Pasteur monument.

If you want to learn more about our favorite day of the year, check out our article about the origin of 4/20.

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